Christmas event 2024.

We will do about Chirismats, First we do cake and candy, Second We will buy bandroll and creature some gifts to give somekids, and make some party for kids. Third we will sell tickets for kids to enjoy and play event Chirtmats Party. Finally we will caculate all everthing we buy for Chirtsmats Party and see we wil coast total. We will support money to buy gifts for kids poor and give for them .

First, The candy cane about Yummy and Delicous and the cake when i eat make me happy and humorious. Second The Bandroll i buy at the Supermarket or small market and and make poor kids

kids happy.Third Some tickets need to sale up for kids and kids poor . And we need make some big party for Chirmats Noel event party. Finally We will caculate all everthing we buy for Chirtsmats Party and see we wil coast total, and We will support money to buy gifts for kids poor and give for them , and i will try make this better than